Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Looking Back, Looking Ahead

Yes, I realize it's the second day of February, and if I really wanted to do things properly I'd have written a "2009: Year in Review" post closer to the beginning of January. But it's not something I've thought about until now, and it's better late than never, right?

2009: A Year in Review

I accomplished a lot in 2009... More than I'd realized until I started thinking about it yesterday. Notably, I:
-Traveled to Belize
-Got my first DSLR
-Finished my thesis
-Took the GREs
-Presented the findings of my thesis at a research conference in California
-Got a job with the BLM
-Graduated from college
-Moved to Wyoming
-Lost both of my pet rats
-Learned radio telemetry
-Visited The Badlands, the Grand Canyon, and Devil's Tower
-Acquired three new pet rats
-Completed my internship with the BLM and moved back home
-Competed in my first rodeo
-Applied to grad school

Overall, 2009 was a pretty good year. A lot happened in the span of 12 months!

So, what about 2010? I'm reluctant to set goals for the coming year. I infrequently set resolutions of any sort around New Year's, because I rarely end up following through with them. And with a troublesome economy, impossible job market, and fierce competition for positions in grad schools, it's likely that, even if I do set goals, I won't be able to accomplish them. Nevertheless, that won't stop me from making a list of things I'd like to do, if I am able.

2010: Stuff I'd like to do

-Publish the results of my thesis
-Upgrade my DSLR (low priority)
-Get accepted to grad school
-Get the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship
-Move to a new city
-Start grad school
-Choose a research topic for my dissertation
-Apply for the NSF GRFP (if I don't get it in April)
-Select an adviser

Of course, the third thing on the list has to happen before the things below it do, and the farther along I go in the process, the more I'm starting to realize the likely possibility that I won't be accepted to any of the schools to which I applied. :( In that case, my 2010 will obviously look a lot different. Right now, that's not really something I want to think about.

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