Monday, December 19, 2011

Study Break

I'll admit that I've slacked off on blogging this semester. I often thought about updating-- there has been plenty to talk about. I could have written posts on the challenges of adjusting to a new city, getting used to the program, finding my way around campus, meeting people, finding a place to horseback ride, balancing schoolwork and recreation, and choosing which coursework to complete and which to ignore. Time management is something I've always been good at, however. Although I would have loved to have taken time away from school to update the blog, I know that, in the long run, writing The Wild Life is less critical to my success than, say, writing grant proposals, or completing assignments.

As a result, I've neglected the blog. All the times I could have been writing, I was out doing more exciting things (or doing homework). But for the most part, doing exciting things!

Now the semester is winding down, so I have fewer things on the agenda and have finally had a chance to sit down and address the blog. I wish I could say that next semester will be better, but it won't! I start TA'ing next semester, and along with coursework that should occupy most of my time.

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