Saturday, July 10, 2010

Jax Z. Wolf: Professional Barrel Racer

Okay, okay, okay... so I'm not really a professional, and I probably won't ever be. But MONEY-WINNING competitive barrel racer just doesn't have the same ring.

That's right! Last night, at a jackpot barrel race Belle and I went to, we placed high enough to win money! I had a decent (though far from perfect) run, and brought home a nifty little check. It was a lot of fun, and even if I never race again after this point in my life, I'll still be able to look back and say I used to win money "chasing cans." In my opinion, that's pretty cool.

Belle and I are still getting along, but my perception of her has slowly been changing, as a result of my ever-improving riding abilities. A month ago I would have given anything to be able to buy Belle off of Debbie and Trina. Now I'm starting to realize that it won't be too much longer before I "outgrow" her. In other words, my riding skills and drive will surpass her abilities. During my barrel runs, I'm already finding I'm wanting to go faster and harder than she can run, and some of the habits that make her a great horse for beginners are starting to frustrate me.

There are several better, faster horses on the ranch that I could potentially step-up to, but I'm not sure if Debbie (or, more likely, Trina) would allow me to use them. Perhaps in August, when their young friend Maya comes for the month and has to use Belle, they'll let me start running one of the better horses.

Until then, I suppose I'll just have to be content to rest on my laurels as an earning barrel racer. :)

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