Saturday, January 29, 2011

No News is No News

It's almost February. If I'm lucky (and correctly informed), I should start hearing back from programs in February. If, of course, I've been accepted. If not, it will likely be the end of March before I receive rejection letters, like last year.

I've tried to figure out the most likely time frame for notification of acceptances, using departmental guidelines listed on school's websites as well as a thorough scanning of the Grad Cafe's results list from previous years. This is an inexact science, so my estimates could be WAY off base, but from what I can gather February is usually the month with the most acceptances, and anything after that tends to be rejections. There are a couple late acceptances here and there, most in the first week of March. A few random stragglers (probably waitlisted candidates that got lucky) hear into the first week in April. But these are all different schools and different programs from those to which I applied, and there's really no telling when I'll hear what.

I hate waiting, because I can't stop thinking about it. Maybe I'll get lucky and get an acceptance next week. That way, at least I could chill out a little and not have to worry about getting rejected across the board. Again.

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