Monday, January 10, 2011

2010: Looking Back, Looking Ahead

Last year, when I started writing out my goals for the year ahead, the idea that I would be facing the dreaded "failed application year" was more of a faint possibility. Had I realized then that I'd be spending 2010 doing nearly the exact opposite of what I'd planned, my list of things to do would have been radically different. This is what my list looked like:

2010: Stuff I'd like to do

-Publish the results of my thesis
-Upgrade my DSLR (low priority)
-Get accepted to grad school
-Get the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship
-Move to a new city
-Start grad school
-Choose a research topic for my dissertation
-Apply for the NSF GRFP (if I don't get it in April)
-Select an adviser

Out of that list, I accomplished two things: I upgraded my DSLR, and reapplied for the NSF grant. Ironic, perhaps, that the item on my list with the lowest priority was one of only two things I managed to check off. I upgraded my camera in early May. I decided to drown my sorrows in expensive, delicious camera equipment. Which I suppose is both better and worse than alcohol and/or antidepressants. Probably.

The other things on my list? Well, the results of my thesis are currently in review, until an undetermined time in the future when the journal decides to get back to me. So, although I made some progress there, publication didn't happen. I did not get accepted to grad school, get the NSF GRF, move to a new city, start grad school, choose a research topic, or select an adviser. So I didn't do so well.

2010: A Year in Review

What did I do in 2010? Well, I:
-Worked on a horse ranch
-Started barrel racing and even managed to win some money
-Attended and presented at the American Society of Mammalogist's annual conference
-Visited several graduate schools to meet with potential advisers
-Reapplied to graduate school, and reapplied for the NSF GRFP
-Had the opportunity to do some really cool winter fieldwork

All in all, it was a tough year. Although I enjoyed a lot of 2010, the overall theme (e.g. failing to get into grad school, worrying about keeping my job, moving around, etc.) wasn't what I'd hoped. I suppose I just have to keep my fingers crossed that 2011 will be a little brighter.

2011: Stuff I'd like to do

Unsurprisingly, my list of goals for 2011 is very similar to that for 2010.

-Publish the results of my thesis
-Get accepted to grad school
-Get the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship
-Move to a new city
-Start grad school
-Choose a research topic for my dissertation
-Apply for the NSF GRFP (if I don't get it in April)
-Select an adviser

I should probably add a few other things in there, just in case I don't get accepted again this year and need something to accomplish. So I'll go ahead and add

-Print more of my photographs

That, at least, I know I can do.

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